Thursday, April 25, 2013

No Time Like the Present

There is no time like the present.  Not tomorrow, not next week, not even an hour from now.  It's time.  Time to learn to live with food, not live for it.  Time to learn how my body works and feed it, instead of feeding my emotions or boredom. 

This is the 3rd time I have joined Weight Watchers.  The first time I lost 17lbs, the second I lost 37lbs.  But, both times, I quit.  I stopped doing the things that made me healthy and made my body feel good.  If it worked so well, why did I quit?

What it comes down to is that I am lazy and like millions of others, I want instant gratification.  Not that grabbing an apple instead of a cookie is hard, but the cookie satisfies a desire instead of a need.  I need food to keep my body healthy and strong, but I wasn't eating for that reason.  I was eating to taste.  To get a "high" from the sweet treat.  That is not eating for my body, it's eating for my emotions.  My emotions are loaded enough, they certainly didn't need any feeding!

Now I want to learn to get my gratification from other things.  And I need to learn that gratification doesn't need to be instant.  In fact, the most fulfulling instances of gratifications are one that are in the works for some time.

How often do you look at an award or a creation of your own that took a lot of time and energy and regret doing it?  I can't imagine someone working for hours on writing, home improvement project or artistic venture and thinking "I wish I hadn't done that."  When you stand back and look at the entirety of the project that you have completed, poured your time and heart and energy into, you can't help be be proud of the results. Even if you struggled with one portion for more time than you wanted, the end result is usually more than you expect.

Right now, I sit, knowing full well that I am at a huge risk of getting diabetes.  I sit here knowing that my triglycerides are dangerously high.  My weight is well above what is optimum for my stature.  But my body didn't do these things all by itself.  I did this to my body.  I fed it all the wrong things.  I sit on my ass everyday instead of getting active.  I ignore what my body needs, so how the hell can I expect it to be healthy?

God gave me the precious gift of life and here I am, abusing the wonderous "machine" that he gave me!  He gave me a wonderful husband who I love more than I can say.  He gave me 3 beautiful kids that keep humor in my life.  Life with them takes work, but it's worth every minute of time I spend.  And I want to keep spending as many minutes with and for them as I can.

That is why there is no time like the present.  And there is no present like time.

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